Prices shown here are before discount. The correct discount, depending on the quantity you choose, will be calculated when you check out with the approriate discount voucher.
Any 1 pair selected from the Brands Clearance range will automatically be eligible for a 30% discount.
Any 2 pairs selected from the Brands Clearance range will automatically be eligible for a 40% discount.
Any 3 pairs (or more) selected from the Brands Clearance range will automatically be eligible for a 50% discount.
These shoes are discontinued and in the case of Sioux, the Portugal factory has closed down so they are being cleared below cost. Some of these shoes may be old stock.
Please note that we cannot offer any refund for any faulty shoe(s) except to repair them free of charge for up to six months after purchase. Exchanges are permitted if the shoes are unworn.
Security policy
Your personal data is safe and this information will not be shared with any party.
Delivery policy
We ship within Malaysia only and we will attempt delivery on a "Best Effort" basis.
Return policy
Returns & Exchanges will only be entertained if customer bears the associated shipping charges.
Prices shown here are before discount. The correct discount, depending on the quantity you choose, will be calculated when you check out with the approriate discount voucher.
Any 1 pair selected from the Brands Clearance range will automatically be eligible for a 30% discount.
Any 2 pairs selected from the Brands Clearance range will automatically be eligible for a 40% discount.
Any 3 pairs (or more) selected from the Brands Clearance range will automatically be eligible for a 50% discount.
These shoes are discontinued and in the case of Sioux, the Portugal factory has closed down so they are being cleared below cost. Some of these shoes may be old stock.
Please note that we cannot offer any refund for any faulty shoe(s) except to repair them free of charge for up to six months after purchase. Exchanges are permitted if the shoes are unworn.
Hi! Click one of our agents below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.